Global EV Charger Network

Participate in the future of the EV economy by adding your Smart EV charger to our network and earn passive income.

blue and black plastic tool
blue and black plastic tool
Future Growth Opportunity

Next-Charger enables individuals, small businesses, and large institutions to participate in the future EV economy and get passive income. Together we will build a global EV Charging network by the people, for the people.

laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
EV Charger Community

Add smart EV Chargers to your home, small business, parking lot, or institution and allow EV drivers to charge at your station by adding your smart charger to our network of chargers. Generate passive income while helping advance sustainable transportation worldwide.

white number 2 on green background
white number 2 on green background
Sustainable Transportation Network

Together, we will drive economic growth and environmental sustainability in every corner on earth.

Inovative Technology

Next-Charger adopts a forward-thinking approach to charging infrastructure, utilizing cutting-edge EV smart charger technology and innovative software management solutions to address the evolving needs of electric vehicle owners. Our commitment to sustainable transportation drives us to continuously improve and enhance the charging experience for our community.

Global Network

Join our global network of electric vehicle chargers and EV owners to be a part of the sustainable transportation revolution.

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
gray computer monitor

Contact Us

Connect with us to join the global EV charger network!